n10=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n13=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n16=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n34=.Nick Flood: /nick C | /nick H | /nick I | /nick P | /nick N | /nick O | /nick R | /nick K | /nick U | /nick S | /nick SP-Fan | /nick PinkFloyd | /nick GoatHead | /nick A | /nick B | /nick C | /nick D | /nick E | /nick F | /nickG | /nick H | /nick I | /nick J | /nick JACKIECHAN_ | /nick Phssssssssss | /nick PinkFloyd_
n37=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n5=.Protect:/protect $$1 | /notice $$1 You have been placed on my PROTECT list.
n6=.Un-Protect:/protect $$1 | /notice $$1 You have been removed from my PROTECT list.
n8=..Give Access:/guser -a =40 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have gained access to my fileserver. Please /msg $me SERVER to connect.
n9=..Remove Access:/ruser =40 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 Your access to my fileserver has been removed.
n10=.Invite:/guser 51 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been put on my Friends List with Access of : INVITE. | /notice $$1 Please /msg $me HELP for more information.
n11=.AuTo-Op's:/guser 50 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been put on my Friends List with Access of : Auto-OP's | /notice $$1 Please /msg $me HELP for more information.
n12=.Invite+Auto-OP's:/guser 52 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been put on my Friends List with Access of : Auto-OP's INVITE | /notice $$1 Please /msg $me HELP for more information.
n13=.Junior:/guser 53 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been put on my Friends List with Access of : JUNIOR | /notice $$1 Please /msg $me HELP for more information.
n14=.Senior:/guser 54 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been put on my Friends List with Access of : SENIOR | /notice $$1 Please /msg $me HELP for more information.
n15=.Master:/guser 55 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been put on my Friends List with Access of : MASTER | /notice $$1 Please /msg $me HELP for more information.
n16=.Remove:/ruser $$1 3 | /notice $$1 You have been removed from my Friends List.
n29=.Gun:/me shoots his 9mm at $$1!!!The bullet goes in one ear and an ops comes out the other! | /mode # +oooo $$1 $2 $3 $4
n30=.Yoda:/me turns into Yoda.... | /nick Yoda14 here use the force $$1 | /mode # +oooo $$1 $2 $3 $4
n32=.Set Away:/away $?="Enter your away message:" | /describe # is AWaY FoR a WHiLe!! "BrainDamage"
n33=.Nature:/away Nature Calls | /describe # is Away, When Nature Call's, Msg's Will Be Saved!! "BrainDamage" | /describe # is AWaY FoR a WHiLe!! "BrainDamage"
n34=.Sleep:/away Sleeping, ZzZzzZzZ, Msg's Will Be Saved!! "BrainDamage" | /describe # is AWaY FoR a WHiLe!! "BrainDamage"
n35=.More Important:/away Doing Something More Important, Msg's Will Be Saved!! "FloydBot▓" | /describe # is AWaY FoR a WHiLe!! "BrainDamage"
n36=.Eating:/away Getting Some FoOOD!!, Msg's Will Be Saved!! "BrainDamage" | /describe # is AWaY FoR a WHiLe!! "FloydBot▓"
n37=.Set Back:/away | /describe # is BaCK.. WoOHoO! "BrainDamage"
n48=.30 Seconds:/ban $1 3 | /timer 1 30 /unban $1 3 | /say A 30 Seconds BrainDamage Time Ban Is On $1. | /notice $1 You Are Banned For 30 Seconds! | /kick $chan $1 *** Time Ban!
n49=.60 Seconds:/ban $1 3 | /timer 1 60 /unban $1 3 | /say A 60 Seconds BrainDamage Time Ban Is On $1. | /notice $1 You Are Banned For 60 Seconds! | /kick $chan $1 *** Time Ban!
n50=.You Choose:/ban $1 3 | /timer 1 $?="Enter Seconds:" /unban $1 3 | /msg $chan A Time Ban Has Been Placed On $1. | /notice $1 You Are Banned In Here For A While! | /kick $chan $1 *** Time Ban!
n51=Offensive Nick
n52=.With Reason:/guser 69 $1 3 | /me Thinks That $1 Has An Offensive Nick! | /me 's Reason Is: $?="Enter Reason:" | /say He/She Has 30 Seconds To Change It! | /notice $1 Change Your Nick Or You Will Be Kicked And Banned In Here! | /timer15 1 30 /kick # $1 BrainDamage Offensive Nick!
n53=.No Reason:/guser 69 $1 3 | /me Thinks That $1 Has An Offensive Nick! | /say He/She Has 30 Seconds To Change It! | /notice $1 Change Your Nick Or You Will Be Kicked And Banned In Here! | /timer15 1 30 /kick # $1 BrainDamage Offensive Nick!
n55=.Start Invasion:/enable #4 | /mkick # | /mode # +stinmlkff 1 GZa | /topic # -=>BrainDamage<=- Invasion On -=>IF YOU COME IN AND I WILL HAVE TO KICK SOME BUTT
n70=.MaSS Rose:/me gives all the (girls) $$* a @-}--}---
n71=.Mass Hug (99):/me Gives $$* A Big HI!! {{{ $$* }}}
n73=.Ping:/ctcp $$1 ping
n74=.Finger:/ctcp $$1 finger
n75=.Version:/ctcp $$1 version
n76=.Time:/ctcp $$1 time
n77=.Userinfo:/ctcp $$1 userinfo
n78=.ClientInfo:/ctcp $$1 clientinfo
n79=.WSircKill:/ctcp $$1 A
n81=.Send:/dcc send $$1
n82=.Chat:/dcc chat $$1
n85=.Boolin:/action Slaps $$1 around a Boolin head phssssss
n86=.Trout:/action Slaps a large trout around a bit with $$1
n87=.Dick:/action Kicks $$1 dick this causes, $$1's not even to flinch because his dick was to small to be kicked!
n88=.Backward:/action Slaps $$1's face so hard, $$1 has to walk backwards from now on to see where he/she's going.
n89=.PinkFloyd:/action Slaps some sence into $$1 Pink FLoyd album
n90=.Heel:/action Slaps $$1 with a Boolin goat heel Phsssssss.
n91=.Boolin:/me does a flying headbutt in to $$1 stomache, $$1 falls on the ground and me gives $$1 20 sec to run before he gets kicked! Don't make a Boolin mad!
n92=.Wake Up!:/me WAKE up $$1!
n93=.Choose:/me slaps $1 with a $?="Enter Slapping Tool:" !
n95=S List:/guser 2 $$1 3 | /ban $$1 3 | /kick # $$1 You have been
n96=Shaddup:/guser 3 $$1 3 | /me has placed a Shuddup Kick on $$1 - if he talks, he will be kicked.
n97=Un-Shaddup:/ruser $$1 3 | /me has removed the Shuddup Kick on $$1
n105=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n108=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n111=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n131=.Nick Flood: /nick C | /nick H | /nick I | /nick P | /nick N | /nick O | /nick R | /nick K | /nick U | /nick S | /nick SP-Fan | /nick PinkFloyd | /nick GoatHead | /nick A | /nick B | /nick C | /nick D | /nick E | /nick F | /nickG | /nick H | /nick I | /nick J | /nick JACKIECHAN_ | /nick Phssssssssss | /nick PinkFloyd_
n134=..Off:/timer1 off | /timer2 off | /timer3 off | /timer4 off | /timer5 off | /timer6 off | /timer7 off | /timer8 off | /timer9 off | /timer10 off | /timer11 off
n135=.KillerFlood:/ignore $1 | /timer 1 200 /ignore $1 | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ctcp $1 version | /ct
n143=.Car:/me wonders why $1 didn't cross the rode..... | /kick # $1 oh! yeah! I saw a car!
n144=.Gangster:/me sees a G! Me walks up to $1 and says YO G word up...Get You G ass out of here! | /kick # $1 No G's Allowed!
n145=.DisPF:/me says $1 doesn't like Pink Floyd...Press 1 if you want him kicked! | /kick # $1 Well you were out voted! heheheehe
n146=.DORK1:/say REPORT: DORK SIGHTED! | /say THE DORK IS $1 | /say GOODBYE, DORK! | /kick # $1 Didn't I see you on AOL?! | /timer 1 2 /say Aaah! Now we are free of DORKS.
n147=.MagicB:/me approaches $1 $+ 's drooping body. | /me turns into a Magic Boolin and eats $1 $+ 's head. | /kick # $1 You need Winter Fresh!!Don't make a Boolin Mad!!!
n148=.Advertise:/me approaches $1...Hey mabey we will join your channel. | /kick # $1 Here I will kick you back to you channel!
n149=.Boolin:/me puts a Boolin in $1 $+ 's shirt. | /me watches $1 scream as boolin eats all his/her organs out. | /kick # $1 How'd that come out there?!Phssssss
n150=.Dork:/me says $1 is is Dork | /kick # $1 No Dorks in My Channel!
n151=.BaseBall:/me steps up to bat....Here comes the pitch. | /me swings and hit a line drive right in to $1 head! | /kick # $1 To the hospital!
n152=.FootBall:/me see's $1 with the football. | /me Does a flying head butt right in to $1 stomach! | /kick # $1 To the hospital!
n153=.Timber:/me chops down a BIG TREE! | /me YELLS TIMBER!!! The tree falls on $1 head. | /kick # $1 Ewww bloody wood.I hope it still lights on fire!
n154=.Webster:/me puts $1 in a dumb wieghter like Webster...The dumb wieght brakes! | /kick # $1 Loose some wieght fatty!
n155=.Ops:/me thinks about giving $1 ops | /me thinks and thinks until I can't think anymore | /kick # $1 I couldn't think so I kicked you!
n156=.Kick with Reason:/kick # $$1 $$?="Enter your reason"
n158=.Hugs:/me hugs $$1!
n159=.Kiss:/me kisses $$1 and gives her Rose @-}--}---
n160=.Pass Kiss:/me passionately kisses $$1!
n161=.Hello:/say Hi $$1!
n162=.Rose:/me has handed $$1 a Rose! @-}--}---
n163=.Dozen Roses:/me has handed $$1 a dozen Roses! @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}--- @-}--}---
n164=.PF:/me gives $$1 my $?="Enter Album:"Album!
n165=.Dance:/me asks $$1 to dance...To Pink Floyd!
n166=.Sound:/sound $?="Enter .Wav".wav
n1=Messages (Pub)
n2=.All Channel Msg:/amsg $$?="Enter your message to all channels:"
n52=..Channel Info:/msg Chanserv INFO $?="Enter Channel Name"
n54=..Identify Your Nick With NickServ:/msg nickserv identify $?="Password:"
n55=..Register Nick With NickServ:/msg nickserv register $?="Password"
n56=..Drop A Nick With NickServ:/msg nickserv drop $?="Enter Nick"
n57=..Ghost A Nick:/msg nickserv ghost $?="Enter Nick" $?="Enter Password"
n59=..Send Memo:/msg memoserv send $?="nick" $?="Enter Your Memo Here"
n60=..Read Memo:/msg memoserv read $?="Enter Memo To Read"
n61=..Check For Memos:/msg memoserv list
n62=..Del Memos:/msg memoserv del $?="Enter Memo To Delete"
n65=.List all channels:/list
n68=.New Timer
n69=..Timer 1:/timer5 0 $?="Enter Delay In Seconds:" $?="What Should The Timer Do?"
n70=..Timer 2:/timer27 0 $?="Enter Delay In Seconds:" $?="What Should The Timer Do?"
n71=..Timer 3:/timer28 0 $?="Enter Delay In Seconds:" $?="What Should The Timer Do?"
n72=..Timer 4:/timer29 0 $?="Enter Delay In Seconds:" $?="What Should The Timer Do?"
n73=..Timer 5:/timer30 0 $?="Enter Delay In Seconds:" $?="What Should The Timer Do?"
n74=.Stop Timer
n75=..Timer 1:/timer5 off
n76=..Timer 2:/timer27 off
n77=..Timer 3:/timer28 off
n78=..Timer 4:/timer29 off
n79=..Timer 5:/timer30 off
n80=.Check Timer
n81=..Timer 1:/timer5
n82=..Timer 2:/timer27
n83=..Timer 3:/timer28
n84=..Timer 4:/timer29
n85=..Timer 5:/timer30
n88=.Page away:/ame is away __ $+ $$?="Enter what you are off doing" $+ __ | /timer7 0 200 /ame is away $+ $! $+ type /ctcp $me page to page me | /away $+ $! $+ type /ctcp $me page to page me | /enable #away
n89=.Page back:/ame is Back | /away | /timer7 off | /disable #away
n90=.Away...:/away $$?="Enter your away message:"
n92=Ask about a user
n93=.WhoIs?: /whois $$?="Enter the nick"
n94=.WhoWas?: /whowas $$?="Enter the nick"
n95=.Finger: /ctcp $$?="Enter the nick" Finger
n96=.Userinfo: /ctcp $$?="Enter the nick" userinfo
n97=.Time: /ctcp $$?="Enter the nick" time
n98=.Query: /query $$?="Enter the nick" $$?="Enter your message"
n101=.none:/mode # -imlstnp
n102=.setkey:/Ç Hr w ─_/,┘W7e╝$╪WMe╖_╝$₧__ __╟ `Ä_